Vision & Mission

Vision of Amrita Vidyalaya is to provide a wholesome holistic education through a right blend of modern Apara Vidya (material knowledge) with the age-old Bharatheeya Para Vidya (cultural wisdom).

Apara vidya facilitates an individual to sharpen the Intelligence Quotient (IQ). This knowledge serves one to win the present predatory competition and to be successful in life. But it does not promise for a purposeful and happy life. It is generally witnessed many of the successful personalities are absolute failures in their personal and family lives.

Para vidya amplifies the Emotional Quotient (EQ) and also transcends the Spiritual Quotient (SQ) of an individual and both these quotients elevate oneself to lead a purposeful life. 

Integrating the above quotients helps to create professionals in all fields with the skills, mental strength and the heart to uplift the humanity; which makes life a successful, purposeful and a happy one.

In Amma’s words, “Apara vidya is the education for living and Para vidya is the education for life.”

Amrita is an established name in the field of education in the country today, known for its quality, integrity and values.

To provide value based education and mould the character of the younger generation through a system of wholesome learning, so that the earnest endeavour to achieve progress and prosperity in life is matched by an ardent desire to extend selfless service to society, one complementing the other.

A quality education should always direct its objective on the five-fold development of the children. An appropriate equilibrium of the physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual developments makes a person healthy. A healthy person is one who is physically strong, mentally alert, emotionally balanced, intellectually sharp and spiritually blessed. A healthy person alone can be a happy person on this earth.